1. First create the Material BOM by using T-Code of CS01
  2. Select BOM Usage as "4" on the initial screen. It Indicates that the Material BOM will be used in the Plant maintenance Module, If select the some other BOM Usage then the list of material will not be available in the maintenance Order
  3. Go to the main header screen of Material BOM. Here you can Maintain the entries of Material numbers
  4. With respect to the Each material we can maintain the quantity and Item Category.
  5. Item Category indicates whether material will be issued from warehouse or it will be purchased from external vendor. It Item category is "L"  then material will be issued from ware house with reference to the reservation. How ever, If item category is "N" then material will be purchased through a purchase requestion from from external vendor
  6. SAVE Material BOM
  7. Note down the material BOM header ID
  8. Now go to the equipment master main header screen by T-code IE01/02
  9. Click on the Structure TAB
  10. There is Field - CONSTRUCTION TYPE
  11. In this Field enter the material BOM header & Save the Equipment
  12. Now we create the maintenance Order to carry out some maintenance Activity, then in the component tab, you can call the general materials by clicking on the list button at the bottom of the component sub-screen
  13. Once you click the list button, a new screen will appear with the list of materials which we have included in the material BOM. Also if we have maintained the equipment BOM, then list of materials will also appear.
  14. Here you can select the material & assign it in the Components TAB
  15. Based on the Item category in the material BOM either a reservation or a purchase requestion will be triggered from maintenance order


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